When you experience the unexpected loss of a loved one, financial stress should be the furthest thing from your mind. Yet, there are very real and necessary financial costs for providing a proper burial and service for your loved one.
That’s where we step in.
In need of help with funeral costs? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Grieving over a loved one should not come with a cost. We offer funeral donations to those in need because we believe in allowing every family to experience and process grief without the burden of trying to figure out how they will be able to afford the care their loved one deserves.
Case Management Services
Grief Coaching Services
End-of-Life Care
funeral arrangements
Give in memory of a loved one.
Are you looking to help ease the financial strain other families may be experiencing through end-of-life care, grief, and the healing process? A monetary gift can be made to relieve the stress often associated with losing a loved one. Donations will go towards funeral costs, burial and/or burial plots, or even a gift card to help with flower arrangements.
other necessary documentation
proof of need through income
intake interviews
The last thing we want to do is complicate this season of your life. We keep our process simple and straightforward so that we are a relief and safe place rather than an added stress during this season of grieving.
Our process to financial support:
Our services are available at no cost to those in need. We believe in access to grief support and resources for everyone.
If you would like to donate to our cause, you can get in touch here.
While we understand the desire and need to be involved in the details, there will come a time when you need to step away and be able to grieve too. We enter the picture not to take over sensitive areas of planning but to assist where we’re needed most, allowing you the time you need to process and be with loved ones.
Yes! We believe every person should be able to provide a proper burial for their loved one. We desire to relieve the burden of funeral costs to allow you to focus on your family now more than ever.
celebrating the ones we love